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Wobbly old extension ladders and electrician house calls are a thing of the past with one of these fantastic motorized chandelier lifts from Aladdin Light Lift. Thanks to the use of a quality chandelier lift, a thousand pound chandelier can be gently lowered and smoothly lifted with the turn of a key or the push of a button. Replace bulbs or entire fixtures with unprecedented ease thanks to the use of an affordable chandelier lift. Aladdin Light Lift is the time-tested original chandelier lift system, so accept no imitations. ladders and electrician house calls are a thing of the past with one of these fantastic motorized chandelier lifts from Aladdin Light Lift. Thanks to the use of a quality chandelier lift, a thousand pound chandelier can be gently lowered and smoothly lifted with the turn of a key or the push of a button. Replace bulbs or entire fixtures with unprecedented ease thanks to the use of an affordable chandelier lift. Aladdin Light Lift is the time-tested original chandelier lift system, so accept no imitations.
Aladdin Light Lifts bring chandeliers down to floor level
Which model of chandelier lift system should you buy?
Aladdin Light Lifts come in four models, each of which is also available in a remote mount variety. The system that will best suit your home depends on a variety of factors:
How heavy is the chandelier that will be installed on the Aladdin Light Lift?
Aladdin Light Lift, Inc. offers four different models, the ALL200, ALL300, ALL700, and ALL1000. Each of these quality chandelier lifts support 200, 300, 700, and 1000 lbs, respectively. Thus if your chandelier weighs 400lbs, the ALL700 is sufficient while the ALL300 is not. Chandeliers weighting more than a thousand pounds require a custom-built model. Call us at 1-800-MY-LAMPS for more information.
Can the Aladdin Light Lift be mounted directly above the chandelier?
Standard light lifts require a minimum of three feet of vertical access space within the ceiling, directly above the chandelier. Remote mount light lifts allow the motorized winch to be placed away from the chandelier using a pulley. Additional directional pulleys can be added along the same plane to direct the winch cable.
How much wattage does the chandelier use?
The ALL200 and ALL300 come standard with the capacity to handle 1560 watts, while the more powerful ALL700 and ALL1000 come standard with the capacity for 2200 watts. The ALL200 and ALL300 can be upgraded to 2200 watts. Additionally, all standard models of affordable chandelier lifts can be upgraded to support two circuits totaling 3300 or 4400 watts. Remote mount light lifts are unable to support two circuits.
How high is the ceiling?
Standard models come with 35 feet of cable, with an option for 65 feet. Remote mount units are supplied with 65 feet in order to compensate for the motorized winch being further from the point in the ceiling where the chandelier hangs. If you require a greater length of cable up to 120 feet, please call us to place a custom order.
Is the ceiling level or sloped?
An adaptor is available if the ceiling directly above the chandelier is at an angle, up to 45 degrees;. Please remember that directional pulleys are required for remote mount installations involving one or more changes in ceiling angle. Please note that the price match policy does not apply to light lifts.
Obviously, deciding to buy a chandelier lift system is not an easy process. For the best results when it comes to buying chandelier lift system, significant thought must be given to wattage, ceiling height, and chandelier weight. In addition, before buying sale-priced chandelier lifts, customers must consider personal budget limitations. Regardless of spending limitations, customers will be sure to find a quality Aladdin chandelier lift that meets their personal needs. Without doubt, affordable Aladdin chandelier lift products are some of the best on the market. Individuals who have additional questions or concerns about affordable Aladdin chandelier lift options should consult with organization representatives. These individuals should be able to answer all questions about the quality chandelier lift options listed below.